BC Health Regulators (BCHR) provides leadership and expertise to improve and advance regulatory practice.

Through BCHR, health regulatory colleges collaborate on activities that support a consistent regulatory approach among all health profession regulators. This includes developing shared regulatory resources that can be used by all colleges.

Framework for Quality Assurance Programs

The Health Professions Act requires regulatory colleges to “establish and maintain a continuing competency [quality assurance] program to promote high practice standards amongst registrants.” In 2017, a BCHR working group developed a position statement with 12 principles to guide the development and evolution of quality assurance programs across the colleges. Read the BCHR Framework for Quality Assurance Programs (PDF).

Framework for a Model Patient-Practitioner Relationship Program

In 2016, a BCHR working group developed a framework that provides guidelines to regulatory colleges on establishing a program to deal with patient-practitioner relationships, as required by the Health Professions Act. A Patient-Practitioner Relationship Program helps both patients and practitioners understand the need for boundaries in establishing the context and limits of care. See the BCHR Framework for a Model Patient-Practitioner Relationship Program (PDF).

Framework for Public Notification for Inquiry Results

All BC health regulatory colleges have adopted a framework for public notification of inquiry results. This framework was developed in 2014 by a BCHR working group to build a common approach for public protection and promote consistent practices among colleges. See the BCHR Public Notification Framework for Inquiry Results (PDF).

Interprofessional competency tools

Through BCHR, health regulatory colleges developed a learning module to help registrants gain competency in interprofessional practice. This online learning module is available for use and distribution by all health regulators. Visit Achieving Competence in Collaborative Practice: Mini-Module Series.