This section is devoted to providing updates about the HPOA Project that is currently underway. The HPOA Project is working to deliver key resources to supporting consistency across regulatory colleges in ensuring they will be in compliance with the Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA) when it comes into force (date to be determined by Ministry of Health).

The HPOA Project has several key deliverables:

  • Developing model bylaws
  • Integrating the new governance requirements
  • Establishing a common process for the development of standards, and developing common standards/templates where possible and appropriate
  • Developing complainant support programs
  • Aligning the principles that underpin quality assurance programs
  • Agreeing on standardized approaches to:
    • process applications for registration and licensure
    • process complaints
    • process permits.

Of particular importance are specific new expectations for colleges around public orientation, Indigenous-specific anti-racism and anti-discrimination measures. These core concepts are being embedded in all project work and deliverables.

To support the six regulatory health colleges with the significant work needed to prepare for, and align with, the HPOA, the Ministry of Health has provided BCHR with $4.5 million to fund the HPOA Project.

News & Updates

Consultation and engagement

We recognize that the work the HPOA Project is undertaking will impact many groups and individuals in BC as it will inform how regulatory health colleges will continue to regulate health professionals to protect the public. As such, the project is actively engaging partners in the creation, validation and communication of the project deliverables that impact them.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this project, please contact the HPOA Project team directly by emailing: