New public health order requires all health profession regulatory colleges to record vaccination status of registrants

New public health order requires all health profession regulatory colleges to record vaccination status of registrants

For information only: no action required

A new Order of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) has been issued “to prevent or reduce the risk of the transmission of infection with SARS-CoV-2 by health professionals.”

The Health Professionals COVID-19 Vaccination Status Information and Preventive Measures Order requires all colleges to record the COVID-19 vaccination status of all its registrants by March 31, 2022. On request by their college, registrants must provide proof if they are vaccinated or have an exemption. It also requires the College to disclose to the PHO or medical health officer, on request, registrant information regarding vaccination status and place of work, either in aggregate or by individual.

Colleges are currently assessing the specific actions required under the Order and will provide further information in the next few days.

Until that time, we respectfully ask that you DO NOT send the colleges any inquiries or documentation related to the Order. For more information, we encourage you to read the Order via the Government of BC website.


Does the Order require registrants to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

No. This Order requires colleges to record the COVID-19 vaccination status of all registrants, but it does not impose a COVID-19 vaccination requirement.

Please note that separate public health orders remain in place requiring COVID-19 vaccination for health professionals working in residential care, acute care and community care settings.

Which health professionals are covered by this Order?

The Order applies to all BC regulated health professionals across all registration categories. See list of regulated health professions in BC.

It also includes:

  • a person who is registered with the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia as a dental therapist or certified dental assistant; and
  • a person who is registered with the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia as a pharmacy technician.

Does the Order apply to college registrants who provide only telehealth/virtual?

Yes. Colleges are required to record the COVID-19 vaccination status of all registrants.

As a registrant, will I need to take action to have my vaccination status recorded by my College?

Unless we contact you for further information, you DO NOT need to provide any information to your college or the provincial government about your vaccination status. You will be provided with more information as it becomes available.

What will colleges accept as a valid exemption to vaccination?

A valid exemption must be one issued by the Office of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO).

Under what authority can the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) issue public health orders?

The PHO has the legal authority to issue emergency preventive measures orders under the Public Health Act. Under the Act, all individuals and organizations are required to comply with the requirements set by the PHO.