BCHR issues request for proposals (RFP) for legal counsel services to support HPOA Project

BCHR issues request for proposals (RFP) for legal counsel services to support HPOA Project

In 2022, the B.C. government introduced and passed new legislation: the Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA). This new legislation will come into force in 2025, and includes provisions that directly address anti-discrimination requirements, with a particular emphasis on Indigenous-specific anti-racism in health regulation and services. In particular, it specifically lists “an act of discrimination” as a type of professional misconduct. BC Health Regulators (BCHR) has established a project to support a consistent transition from current legislation to the new HPOA across all regulatory colleges.

To assist in this transition, BCHR is seeking qualified legal counsel services to help interpret and apply the human rights and anti-discrimination provisions of the HPOA. This project will focus on the scope of the Act’s provisions, specifically the obligations of regulators, professional bodies, and licensees in relation to preventing and addressing discrimination, including complaints alleging discrimination by a health-care provider. The selected legal counsel will provide practical guidance to inform and support regulatory processes.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 5 p.m. PDT on Friday, February 21, 2025.

Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Measures under the HPOA.

Learn more about regulatory modernization in BC.