The Province of British Columbia has passed new legislation to modernize the provincial framework for health profession regulation. The Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA) received Royal Assent on November 24, 2022.
The incoming legislation will significantly change the framework within which health profession regulatory colleges operate and regulate. To read highlights of what is included in the new legislation, see the Ministry of Health’s news release, Patients the focus of new health legislation (October 19, 2022), or read their Health Professions and Occupations Act Q&A.
When the HPOA comes into force (date to be determined by Cabinet), it will replace the current Health Professions Act (HPA). Until then, colleges will continue to operate under the existing HPA.
The new Act was informed by recommendations outlined in the 2020 report Recommendations to modernize the provincial health profession regulatory framework, which included a recommendation to reduce the number of regulatory colleges through amalgamation. As of June 2024, there are now six health profession regulatory colleges operating under the HPA.
Government funding supports readiness for HPOA
In recognition of the extensive work required for all health profession regulatory colleges to prepare and align themselves with the HPOA, the BC Ministry of Health awarded a $4.5-million grant to BC Health Regulators (BCHR) to support all colleges by centrally coordinating this shared work.
BCHR has launched a major project to develop resources and supports that help BC’s health profession regulators prepare to regulate in the public interest under the new HPOA. The anticipated project timeline is to June 2025.
To learn more about the HPOA Project, visit The HPOA Project page.
Further information
BCHR is committed to providing ongoing updates on how health profession regulators in BC are evolving under the new regulatory framework. See our latest news bulletins about regulatory modernization and a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Visit the BC Ministry of Health’s Professional Regulation page for details about the government’s initiative to modernize the provincial health profession regulatory framework.
Visit individual college websites to learn about each college’s specific activities related to modernization.
BCHR bulletins about regulatory modernization
- Provincial government releases final recommendations for health profession regulation August 27, 2020 The recommendations are part of a new report focused on modernizing BC’s health profession regulatory framework, impacting all health profession regulatory colleges. Read more
- Two amalgamations set for BC health regulatory colleges June 19, 2020 Work is well underway on two separate amalgamations that will create a new BC College of Nurses and Midwives and transition the province’s podiatric surgeons into the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. Read more
Frequently Asked Questions about Regulatory Modernization
This section will be updated as new information becomes available.
What is the status of college amalgamations?
The 2020 report, Recommendations to modernize the provincial health profession regulatory framework, included a recommendation to improve “efficiency and effectiveness through a reduction in the number of regulatory colleges.”
Regulators have now completed their amalgamation work to reduce the number of health profession regulatory colleges to six: These colleges are:
- BC College of Nurses and Midwives (amalgamated September 1, 2020)
- BC College of Oral Health Professionals (amalgamated September 1, 2022)
- College of Health and Care Professionals of BC (amalgamated June 28, 2024)
- College of Complementary Health Professionals of BC (amalgamated June 28, 2024)
- College of Pharmacists of BC
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (amalgamated August 31, 2020)
What steps towards modernization are already completed/underway?
BC’s health professional regulatory colleges have undertaken a number of initiatives that support the directions of the Ministry of Health’s modernization plan. This includes:
Regulators have now completed their amalgamation work to reduce the number of health profession regulatory colleges to six. These colleges are:
- BC College of Nurses and Midwives (amalgamated September 1, 2020)
- BC College of Oral Health Professionals (amalgamated September 1, 2022)
- College of Health and Care Professionals of BC (amalgamated June 28, 2024)
- College of Complementary Health Professionals of BC (amalgamated June 28, 2024)
- College of Pharmacists of BC
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (amalgamated August 31, 2020)
HPOA Project
With $4.5M in funding from the BC Ministry of Health, BCHR is leading a major project for regulatory modernization. The HPOA Project is working to deliver key resources for supporting consistency across the six regulatory colleges in ensuring they will be in compliance with the Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA) when it comes into force (date to be determined by Ministry of Health).
Regulatory Practice Excellence
Through BC Health Regulators, the colleges have developed shared resources that support a consistent, high quality regulatory approach. This includes the BCHR Framework for Quality Assurance Programs; the BCHR Framework for a Model Patient-Practitioner Relationship Program; the BCHR Public Notification Framework for Inquiry Results; and a learning module to help registrants gain competency in interprofessional practice. BCHR also hosts educational events for college staff and boards, including a Governance 101 program.
Public engagement
A BC Public Advisory Network (BC-PAN) has been created to serve as an ongoing resource for health regulatory colleges interested in seeking public input on important issues related to health regulation.
Improvements by colleges
Visit individual health regulator websites to learn about the changes each is making in support of modernization. The list of BCHR’s member colleges provides links to college websites.
Where should I go for more information?
Visit the BC Ministry of Health’s Professional Regulation page for details about modernization of the provincial health profession regulatory framework, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions.